Berms Crew

SurfinBerms Berms Crew of Ladies - Women Who Ride

The Berms Crew are ladies you can expect to see at most events, they will be easy to identify as they have the SurfinBerms logos on their bikes and gear. These women are highlighted individuals in our community that truly shape what we stand for. These are our track and trail guides, our go getters and adventure seekers. Do not hesitate to approach any of these ladies for riding tips, questions or to go for a ride with.
Come shred with us!


Danika White SurfinBerms Motocross BermsCrew
Danika White
Stoked. Danika is always fired up for new riders or getting someone on a bike. You can find her on a Husqvarna FE 350 S number 25 or ripping around in the BermBus.

Lexi Pechout
Travelled mentor. Lexi’s worldly riding experience is second to none and she shares this knowledge with grace. You can find her on a Husqvarna TC 250 number 151. 

Meagan Messinbird
Always up for an adventure. Meagan is our off-road billy goat, and has a go getter attitude. You can find her on her KTM 150 XC-W number 98 and has two littles learning to ride on push bikes!

Jan VanHaastert
Our cheerleader. Jan is always smiling and cheering on the ladies. You can find her on a KTM 250 XC number 33.

Kasia Kistelska
Pure ambition. Kasia is lightning bolt of energy. You can usually find Kasia with a crowd of little groms following her on her GasGas MC 250f number 96.

Michelle McCarthy
Breaking ground. Michelle is passionate about all things moto, and is always helping getting new riders going and confident. You can find her on a Yamaha YZ 250F number 412.

Jannie Devin Lamontagne SurfinBerms Motocross Offroad BermsCrew
Jannie Devin Lamontagne
Captain Jannie. If you've been on a group ride you've probably met Jannie! She's a go getter, trail seeking, pack leader. You can find her on a Husqvarna FC 250 number 31.


Berms Crew Ladies Calgary Wild Rose MX Dirt Bike Riding
When you're on two wheels it's always a vacation. This is our passion, and we share it together. We are a collective of like-minded individuals, together we make SurfinBerms. We ride, we race, we explore. We're here to encourage and fuel the first ride or the best ride. The best part of two wheels is the people you meet along the ride, and the friendships that last a lifetime, so come shred!