A Lap Around - Brooks Motocross Park
Brooks Motocross Park is located in the City of Brooks Alberta. The Park is managed by the non-profit group Brooks Motocross Club. Their focus is to have a safe, fun and family based place for people to ride and race Motocross, Enduro, and Cross-country.
- Check the Brooks Motocross Park before going just in case the facility is closed for any reasons, or having an event.
- This track is run by a keyed entry. To sign in, pay and get a key - you have three options to go to:
A&E Racing & Marine located at 1140 2 St W, Brooks, AB T1R 0V5
All Season Cycle located at 904 2 St W, Brooks, AB T1R 1B8
Husky Gas Station in Brooks (if you're riding on a Sunday this is your only option as the shops above are closed)
- Day fee is $20 CASH per rider.
- When arriving to the track, your key unlocks the main gate, make sure to close and lock the gate behind you.
- There are usually porta-potties mid-season on site for washrooms.
- Make sure to bring water and snacks, there are no concessions at the track.
- Tracks are generally not prepped, which leaves them in a natural old school motocross style. This track is a clay based track, with some fun jump features.
- Riding area available are: Main Track, Mini Track, Grass Loop and Enduro Area.
- Large spectating area for the Main Track and Mini Track.
This facility is great for all levels and ages of riders. There’s a lot of space if you’re learning to ride. There is a small mini track loop for mini bikes, this would be a GREEN rated mini track. The main track doesn’t have any intimidating hills and jump features you can safely roll or progress to jumping. This would be a GREEN rated main track.